Chair Massage:: Looking for savings?



Here are a few hints:

*More hours More savings-Schedule on a day where the majority of your team is in the office.  Invite one of  our therapist's to perform 3-6 chair massages per hour.  That allows one therapist to affect 24-48 participants in an 8hr day. 

Add a second therapist and we can perform 6-12 massages an hour. Add a third therapist our team will provide 9-18 massages within an hour.          

You get the picture....    More hours; more savings.            

*Schedule several dates- Get your team on a regular schedule.            

Weekly? Monthly? Quarterly? 

*Schedule in advance- Give us time to customize your event.            

 Gender preference, popular dates, busy times, and 3rd shifts are always available with our team of over 35 skilled, professional, licensed therapists.  Guarantee your team receives the best options for your work environment.

Allow time to compare pricing, packages, credentials and experience.

  Have a large team? 

*Use chair massage as an incentive- We have companies that offer chair massage to the top producers within the organization.

*Reward the money savers- accident free employees,  non-smokers   team members with the unused sick hours.     

*Consider providing for different departments on a rotating basis

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